Deck Cleaning Chat
Deckcare cleaning is gentle on your deck, the environment and helps your deck last longer.
Service Description
Kiwi's love our wooden decks, but they often miss their annual clean or we clean them using methods/materials that aren't so good for the wood or ourselves. Deckcare helps clean your deck carefully and healthily so that you, your kids, pets and plants aren't subject to harmful chemicals. We use environmentally friendly solutions that that gives a great clean and scrub your deck. Traditional water-blasted at with close range high pressure nossels opens the timbers fibres, which can make them look 'furry' and the wood becomes even more prone to mould. Deckcare's form of deck maintenance is a way to care for your deck so that it lasts longer - and decks aren't cheap or the easiest to replace. If your deck is fury from waterblasting at close range, you might want to consider our Deck Sanding+ option where we sand your deck back to get to fibres that haven't been damaged and take your deck back to it's former glory. The time to clean each deck depends on the size and situation of each deck so book in a chat.
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